Quick reference download page
After numerous requests, I have decided to replace the original download page
with this one as a quick finder. Simply put, clicking on a link will
take you to the correct place on the correct page, ready for you to see a
description of the program etc., and let you download the file.
Acorn Upgrades
- VProtect - the standard relocatable module as supplied with RISC OS machines
- VZap - Shareware antivirus software - see here for more information
- KillVirus - Elderly !Boot file protector against the Extend virus
- Slayer - very fast antivirus program (external link)
Archiving programs
- CFS Reader - The Computer Concepts CFS reader.
- Dicottery - A nice, small self extracting archive creator.
- GNUZip - Port of the GNU zip software with a front end.
- InfoZip - Ports of the InfoZip PKZip compatible software - command line only
- SparkInfo - See what's inside your sparkives
- Split - Split large files onto floppy discs.
- Zipee - Front end which includes the InfoZip ports
- ZipExpander - Expands zip files
Art programs
- AADraw - a very nice draw package which will also convert to and from gif files.
- NoPaint - A util for handling !Paint files
- Random Backdrop Generator - Generates random backdrops from given files
- MultiShow - Displays jpegs, gifs, sprites and drawfiles as a carousel
- Icons - A whole pile of icons for your programs
- Icon Extractor - Extract icons from Windowz packages
- KwikJpeg - A small and fast jpeg displayer. - see here for more information
- Sprite Extend fix - A small basic program which will build a new version of the SpriteExtend module which is more tollerant of "progressive" JPEGS
- InterGIF - Peter Hartley's brilliant GIF /
Animated GIF producer
- Scroll Demo - A wonderful smooth
scrolling demo
- PlotSprite - A set of source files for plotting a sprite
- Kino - The first MPEG player with sound under RISC OS
- AMP - Audio MPEG player (and other sound types)
- AMP2 - Audio MPEG player (and other sound types)
- AMPlayer - Audio MPEG module
- AMPlayer - Front end for AMPEG modules
- AMPlayer - Command line interface for AMPEG modules
- BladeEnc - MP3 encoder
- BladeEnc Sources - Source code for BladeEnc
- CMPA - elderly MP3 encoder
- Digital CD - nice desktop sound tracker
- RiscAMP - MP3 (and other player). Requires AMPlayer.
- MP32Wav - Converts MP3 files to WAVs
- LAME - MP3 encoder for SA
- LAMEFE - MP3 encoder for ARM7500FE machines
- LAMESRC - Source code for the above apps
- Riscster - RISC OS Napster client software
- StupidPlayer - A RISC OS MP3 player suited for all machines
Computer bits
- Iconlock - Icon protection from other software
- Iconbar - Control the time for the reappearance of the iconbar under WindowManager 3.98
- DJ600 - Make your printer icon look like the printer it is!
- StoreDesk - Store your desktop settings
- CDFix - An updated version of the CDFix utility. Repairs the mess Acorn made of CDFS
- CD Viewer - A new frontend for CDFS
- Boot Suite - Control who has access to your harddrive and software. Highly configurable.
- raFS - Allows for very large directories and long filenames. Very stable.
- XIcons - New icon sets for the desktop
- PokeID - Patches the SWI OS_ReadSysInfo arg2. Use with care. RiscOS3.5 only
- Wimp 2 - Pre-emptive multitasking software.
Disc Utilities
- Mr Matt - Port of a PC game of the same name
- Elite - Yes. THE Elite. Now freeware, now available from here! Now OS 4 compliant
- Bunny Race - Can you get Mr Bunny through the levels to save his girl?
- Pinball Wizard - Catchy tune, brilliant graphics, what more could you want?
- Zip 2000 - Inform adventure interpreter
- Moo - An extremely funny conversion of a PowerPoint funny
- Dilbert - Produce useless company mission statements
- Super Methane Brothers - Wonderful little platformer
- Super Methane Brothers SRC - Source code for the above game
- Deskopoly - A cracking desktop version of Monopoly
GNU - see the page for more details!
- QIRC - A Quick Internet Relay Client kit. Very small, very good!
- Voyager - Replacement sprites for Argonet's Voyager software
- Net Utils - Utilities for ANT internet software
- Net Utils - Utilities for ANT internet software
- Freeserve - Various software configuration files for connection to the Freeserve ISP
- AcorNet Frontend - A beta frontend for AcorNet. Has no functionality yet.
- SFTP - Command line interpretter FTP software
- Socketeer - One of the best and most powerful internet connectors I've come across yet
- ArcFixer - solves PC based downloads not working
- SerialDev - serial block drivers
- SparkPlug - A multipurpose dearchiver. This is a self extracting archive
- Converter+ - A flexible unit converter
- Calendar - A desktop calendar
- Read Me 1st - A small ReadMe1st replacement application
- Phoenix - An animated gif everyone who supports RiscOS should have on their website
- Inlay card designer - Design your own tape inlay covers
Memphis - A replacement RAM disc - see here for more information
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