SparkPlug - David Pilling
Lingo Master - Nigel Caplan. A nice way to learn French, German, Italian or Latin. The vocab files can be editted - 81.3K
Say It - M.D. Smith. Multiple language tutor with sound samples to boot. Comes with Spanish, French, German and Cantonese - 2.69Mb. Alternatively use this for French (1.05Mb) and this for German and Spanish (1.07Mb) and this for Cantonese (573K). THIS SOFTWARE IS SHAREWARE - PLEASE REGISTER IT
Sentence - KiwiSoft. A simple sentence constructor - 75.7K
Zhongwen - Luke Taylor. A chinese tutor - 1.05Mb - THIS SOFTWARE IS SHAREWARE - PLEASE REGISTER IT
Language Learner - Stefan Ballon. A very powerful language learner - 27.5K